Erwin Bulte, John A List, Jason F Shogren
Cited by*: 1 Downloads*: 2

An important public policy question that remains unresolved is whether devolution will enhance sensible policy making by exploiting informational asymmetries or, instead, trigger a "beggar thy neighbor" response and stimulate free riding amongst localities. We analyze this question within the framework of U.S. environmental policy making by scrutinizing a unique panel data set on state-level endangered species expenditure patterns. Our empirical estimates are consistent with the notion that states free ride, which may lead to an expenditure equilibrium that is not Pareto efficient.
Per Fredriksson , John A List, Daniel L Millimet
Cited by*: 33 Downloads*: 9

Previous studies have proposed that equilibrium capital flows are affected by environmental regulations-the commonly coined 'pollution haven' hypothesis. We revisit this issue by treating environmental policies as endogenous and allowing governmental corruption to influence foreign direct investment patterns. Via these two simple extensions, we are able to provide a much richer model of international capital flows. The theoretical model presumes that the effect of corruption on FDI operates via two channels: corruption affects capital flows through its impact on environmental policy stringency and due to greater theft of public funds earmarked for public spending. We empirically examine the implications of the model using US state-level panel data from four industrial sectors over the period 1977-1987. Empirical results suggest environmental policy and corruption both play a significant role in determining the spatial allocation of inbound US FDI. In addition, the estimated effect of environmental policy is found to depend critically on exogeneity assumptions.
Per Fredriksson , John A List, Daniel L Millimet
Cited by*: 33 Downloads*: 18

Previous studies have proposed that equilibrium capital flows are affected by environmental regulations-the commonly coined 'pollution haven' hypothesis. We revisit this issue by treating environmental policies as endogenous and allowing governmental corruption to influence foreign direct investment patterns. Via these two simple extensions, we are able to provide a much richer model of international capital flows. The theoretical model presumes that the effect of corruption on FDI operates via two channels: corruption affects capital flows through its impact on environmental policy stringency and due to greater theft of public funds earmarked for public spending. We empirically examine the implications of the model using US state-level panel data from four industrial sectors over the period 1977-1987. Empirical results suggest environmental policy and corruption both play a significant role in determining the spatial allocation of inbound US FDI. In addition, the estimated effect of environmental policy is found to depend critically on exogeneity assumptions.
John A List, Jason F Shogren
Cited by*: 78 Downloads*: 21

We design and implement a field experiment to elicit and calibrate in-sample hypothetical and actual bids given the presence of other goods and intensity of market experience. Using market goods that possess characteristics beyond the norm but yet remain deliverable, bidding behavior was consistent with theory. But we also observe the average calibration factor for hypothetical bids in the auction with other goods to be more severe (0.3) than for the auction without the goods (0.4). The results support the view that the calibration of hypothetical and actual bidding is good- and context-specific.
Colin F Camerer
Cited by*: 23 Downloads*: 19

To test whether naturally occurring markets can be strategically manipulated, $500 and $1,000 bets were made, then cancelled, at horse racing tracks. The net effects of these costless temporary bets give clues about how market participants react to information large bets might contain. The bets moved odds on horses visibly (compared to matched-pair control horses with similar prebet odds) and had a slight tendency to draw money toward the horse that was temporarily bet, but the net effect was close to zero and statistically insignificant. The results suggest that some bettors inferred information from bets and others did not, and their actions roughtly cancelled out.
Francis Larson, John A List, Robert D Metcalfe
Cited by*: 1 Downloads*: 61

Behavioral economists have recently put forth a theoretical explanation for the equity premium puzzle based on combining myopia and loss aversion. Complementing the behavioral theory is evidence from laboratory experiments, which provide strong empirical support consistent with myopic loss aversion (MLA). Yet, whether, and to what extent, such preferences underlie behaviors of traders in their natural domain remains unknown. Indeed, a necessary condition for the MLA theory to explain the equity premium puzzle is for marginal traders in markets to exhibit such preferences. Using minute-by-minute trading observations from over 864,000 price realizations in a natural field experiment, we find data patterns consonant with MLA: in their normal course of business, professional traders who receive infrequent price information invest 33% more in risky assets, yielding profits that are 53% higher, compared to traders who receive frequent price information. Beyond testing theory, these results have important implications for efficient resource allocation as well as characterizing the optimal structure of social and economic policies.
Omar Al-Ubaydli, Steffen Andersen, Uri Gneezy, John A List
Cited by*: 0 Downloads*: 2

Constructing compensation schemes for effort in multi-dimensional tasks is complex, particularly when some dimensions are not easily observable. When incentive schemes contractually reward workers for easily observed measures, such as quantity produced, the standard model predicts that unrewarded dimensions, such as quality, will be neglected. Yet, there remains mixed empirical evidence in favor of this standard principal-agent model prediction. This paper reconciles the literature by using both theory and empirical evidence. The theory outlines conditions under which principals can use a piece rate scheme to induce higher quantity and quality levels than analogous fixed wage schemes. Making use of a series of complementary laboratory and field experiments we show that this effect occurs because the agent is uncertain about the principal's monitoring ability and the principal's choice of a piece rate signals to the agent that she is efficient at monitoring.
John A List, Yana Peysakhovichc
Cited by*: 1 Downloads*: 5

This paper examines aggregate time series data on individual charitable donations from 1968 to 2007. We find that changes in individual giving show an asymmetric response to changes in the S&P 500: individuals are more responsive to stock market upturns than downturns.
John A List, Michael K Price
Cited by*: 8 Downloads*: 7

One fact that has emerged in modern societies is that people help others. Whether it is donating a few dollars to help feed the poor or volunteering time to help rebuild someone's life after a natural disaster, people around the globe commonly lend a hand. This study provides an overview of that support, summarizing gifts of both time and money around the globe. We also highlight research that indicates useful ways in which we can enhance the charitable pie. Our discussion revolves around both individual giving and corporate philanthropy, but we focus on empirical insights from recent charitable fundraising field experiments in the Western World. We present information that is useful for policymakers, fundraising practitioners, and academicians.
Armin Falk
Cited by*: 8 Downloads*: 17

This study reports data from a field experiment that was conducted to investigate the relevance of gift-exchange for charitable giving. Roughly 10,000 solicitation letters were sent to potential donors in the experiment. One third of the letters contained no gift, one third contained a small gift and one third contained a large gift. Whether a potential donor received a letter with or without a gift was randomly determined. We observe strong and systematic effects from including gifts. Compared to the no gift condition, the relative frequency of donations increased by 17 percent if a small gift was included and by 75 percent for a large gift. Consequently, including gifts was highly profitable for the charitable organization. The contribution of this paper is twofold: first, it shows that gift-exchange is important for charitable giving, in addition to the warm-glow motive. Second, the paper confirms the economic relevance of reciprocity by using field data. This extends the current body of research on reciprocity, which is almost exclusively confined to laboratory studies.